JavaScript Exemple de code pour l'envoi d'un e-mail avec des pièces jointes Pour envoyer un e-mail avec une pièce jointe, utilisez la Attachmentspropriété, comme suit: JavaScript CourrielJS figurait déjà dans notre article de blog, Envoyer des e-mails avec ReactJS . Ce service vous permet de connecter votre service de messagerie, de créer un modèle de courrier électronique et de l'envoyer à partir de JavaScript sans aucun code serveur. Voyons la portée. Créez un compte et choisissez un service de messagerie avec lequel vous connecter. Il existe des options de services transactionnels populaires, telles qu'Amazon SES ou Mailgun, ainsi que des services personnels tels que Gmail ou Outlook. Vous pouvez également ajouter un serveur SMTP personnalisé. C'est ce que nous allons faire puisque nous utilisons Mailtrap. Create an email template using the built-in editor. The editor provides plenty of options for content building and other useful features, such as auto-reply, reCAPTCHA verification, and more. It’s also necessary to understand the basics of coding your own HTML email template. For this, read our Guide on How to Build HTML Email. Once this is done, click Save. One of the major benefits of is that the typical email attributes are hidden. The template includes the recipient field and it cannot be overridden from JS, so you send the template you have configured previously. Now you need to install EmailJS SDK. This can be done with npm: npm install emailjs-com --save JavaScript or bower bower install emailjs-com --save JavaScript If you need to use EmailJS on your website, paste the following code before closing tag: JavaScript The actual email sending can be carried out via two methods: emailjs.send or emailjs.sendForm. Here are the code examples for both of them: emailjs.send var templateParams = { name: 'James', notes: 'Check this out!' }; emailjs.send('YOUR_SERVICE_ID', 'YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID', templateParams) //use your Service ID and Template ID .then(function(response) { console.log('SUCCESS!', response.status, response.text); }, function(error) { console.log('FAILED...', error); }); JavaScript emailjs.sendForm var templateParams = { name: 'James', notes: 'Check this out!' }; emailjs.sendForm('YOUR_SERVICE_ID', 'YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID', templateParams) //use your Service ID and Template ID .then(function(response) { console.log('SUCCESS!', response.status, response.text); }, function(error) { console.log('FAILED...', error); }); JavaScript Code sample for sending emails Let’s check whether works by sending an email straight from the browser. We’ve set up an email service, Mailtrap, and built a simple template. Now, we need to create an HTML file with the following code: JavaScript Run it in the browser and check out the Mailtrap Demo Inbox. It works! Pricing EmailJS offers a free subscription plan that allows you to send up to 200 emails per month using only two templates. In addition, you’ll have a limited list of contacts and email size (up to 50Kb). Higher quotas are available for paid subscriptions: Personal ($5/month), Professional ($15/month), and Business ($50/month). To wrap up Although sending emails is a server-side thing, you can refrain from dealing with server-side coding. SmtpJS and EmailJS are two actionable solutions to streamline your front-end and make it able to send emails. EmailJS is better because it hides typical email attributes and you are able to send whatever templates you have configured before. The mailto: method is different but it can also be useful in some cases. If you, however, have changed your mind and are willing to set up back-end for your app, check out one of our dedicated blog posts: How to send emails with Python How to send emails with Ruby How to send emails with PHP How to send emails with ASP.NET C# Add comment Name* E-mail* Subscribe Your email workflows deserve more love Try Mailtrap for free CRAFTED BY PRODUCTS Jira Smart Checklist Pivotal Booster EXPERIENCE Open Source Railsware Blog MAILTRAP Pricing Changelog Status Terms of Service Privacy Policy Navigational Information DPA CONTACT email: support[at] © Railsware Products, Inc. What is Mailtrap? Mailtrap is a test mail server solution that allows testing email notifications without sending them to the real users of your application. Not only does Mailtrap work as a powerful email test tool, it also lets you view your dummy emails online, forward them to your regular mailbox, share with the team and more! Mailtrap is a mail server test tool built by Railsware Products, Inc., a premium software development consulting company.

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